The Rules and Regulations of the Football Association deem it an offence to make any written comment that is offensive, insulting, abusive, threatening, racist or discriminatory.
This covers comments made in newspapers, on websites, web forums, or on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Failure to comply with the regulations may leave a participant liable to a charge of Bringing the Game into Disrepute.
Whilst not suggesting that players and other participants should avoid Social Networking Sites, it might be beneficial to remind them of their responsibility within the FA Code of Conduct to ‘always have regard to the best interest of the game’ whilst showing ‘due respect to the interests of players, coaches, supporters and other officials’
We ask that you share this reminder with your coaches and players to ensure that they are aware of their own responsibilities within this regard. Hopefully this will prevent any problems next season.
Should you require any advice on social networking sites and in particular what is considered acceptable content from an FA point of view, please contact us.
Downloadable FA guidelines are available here:—downloads-section
U7, U8 & U9 matches – Publishing Results
Please also remember that Under 7’s, Under 8’s & now Under 9’s are not permitted to play in leagues where results are collected or published or winner trophies are presented. This is deemed to be detrimental to the development of the player and the game and will not be sanctioned. To play in a KO Cup game or a game where points are awarded, or results collected, a player must have achieved the age of 9 on or before 31st August.